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Algae eater or algivore is a common name for any bottom-dwelling or filter-feeding aquatic animal species that specialize in feeding on algae and phytoplanktons. Algae eaters are important for the fishkeeping hobby and many are commonly kept by aquarium hobbyists to improve water quality.
Pterophyllum is a small genus of freshwater fish from the family Cichlidae known to most aquarists as angelfish. All Pterophyllum species originate from the Amazon Basin, Orinoco Basin and various rivers in the Guiana Shield in tropical South America.
Symphysodon (colloquially known as discus or discus fish) is a genus of cichlids native to the Amazon river basin in Brazil.
Axolotls are unusual among amphibians in that it reaches adulthood without undergoing metamorphosis, remaining aquatic and gilled. The species was originally found in several lakes underlying what is now Mexico City, such as Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco.
Catfish named for their prominent barbels, which resemble a cat's whiskers, catfish range in size and behavior from the three largest species alive. Despite their name, not all catfish have prominent barbels or "whiskers".
Corydoras is a genus of freshwater catfish in the family Callichthyidae and subfamily Corydoradinae. Corydoras species are distributed in South America where they can be found from the east of the Andes to the Atlantic coast, from Trinidad to the Río de la Plata drainage in northern Argentina.
The labyrinth organ, enables them to breathe air. Some labyrinth fish are important food fish, and many others, such as the Siamese fighting fish and paradise fish, are popular as aquarium fish.
Labyrinth organ
This organ allows labyrinth fish to take in oxygen directly from the air, instead of taking it from the water in which they reside through use of gills.
Livebearers are fish that retain their eggs inside the body and give birth to live, free-swimming young. They are especially prized by aquarium owners. Among aquarium fish, livebearers are nearly all members of the family Poeciliidae and include: guppies, mollies, platies and swordtails.
Loach are peaceful scavengers that spend their time rooting about for tidbits of food on the bottom. Many loach species actually prefer to be kept in schools, and some species will literally pine away with loneliness if kept alone. Loaches are relatively easy to care for and can be good fish for beginners.
Loach are peaceful scavengers that spend the“Nano aquariums” are simply small aquariums. There are very roughly two different “nano aquariums” in the hobby. One is under five gallons in size and one is from five to fifteen gallons. They will be treated time rooting about for tidbits of food on the bottom. Many loach species actually prefer to be kept in schools, and some species will literally pine away with loneliness if kept alone. Loaches are relatively easy to care for and can be good fish for beginners.
In biology, any group of fish that stay together for social reasons are shoaling, and if the group is swimming in the same direction in a coordinated manner, they are schooling. In common usage, the terms are sometimes used rather loosely. About one quarter of fish species shoal all their lives, and about one half shoal for part of their lives.
In biology, any group of fish that stay together for social reasons are shoaling, aShrimp
Neocaridina is a genus of atyid shrimp, containing 26 species as of March 2023. Members of the genus are distributed across East Asia including China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Like many other Atyid shrimps, they live in freshwater habitats.nd if the group is swimming in the same direction in a coordinated manner, they are schooling. In common usage, the terms are sometimes used rather loosely. About one quarter of fish species shoal all their lives, and about one half shoal for part of their lives.
Freshwater snails are gastropod mollusks that live in fresh water. There are many different families. They are found throughout the world in various habitats,
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